About Me!

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Hey everyone, my name is Jewlie. I'm a Momma of two grown-ups *gasp*, 3 furies and a brand-new life in Arizona with my soulmate. We moved from Washington in August 2023 and are finding our way in the new community. I thrive on empowering women to be strong, healthy and live for themselves.

Over the years, I’ve started several businesses and had the joy of proving many people wrong by having success instead of downfall. Has the road been easy? Hell, no! Am I persistent? Almost to a fault!! This new journey with Sassy Grit is a BIG challenge, though. Stepping out of my comfort zone of being a people pleaser into a new role of being who I want to be…. unapologetically ME. My products won’t be for everyone and that’s ok. I know there are others out there that will benefit from my spirit and outspoken products!

What can I say, I'm an entrepreneur at heart!